Four times per year, the club has a general meeting where all children receive a little gift for the participation in the activities. The prizes are bigger for those who regularly attend and smaller for those who only participate irregularly.
We depend on donations for these prize giving events.
Examples for Prizes:
- Stationary goods such as pencils/pens/exercise books/drawing paper/scissors etc.
- Small games, play things (second hand welcome)
- Sports shoes, sneakers, sports shorts, shirts, caps, belts, rain jackets (second hand welcome)
- Cookies, sweets, juices
Furthermore, we need support for the ongoing equipment of the Club House where the educational program is taking place. Besides, the Club House is a recreational meeting place for the young members.
Examples for Material Donations for the Club House:
- 1 bag of white wash, 5 tins of color paint – RECEIVED
- 10 woven sitting mats, 4’ x 6’ – RECEIVED
- 6 timbers of 6’ /nails/sand paper for construction of shelves – NEEDED
- Board and party games – NEEDED
- Books for the club library – NEEDED
- Black/white board incl. chalk/markers – NEEDED
- Solar installation for the operation of a DVD-player (educational videos) and a freezer to generate funds by selling ice blocks and cooled drinks (Wasini is not connected to the power grid)
The club does not solicit financial donations to guard against any possibility of illicit profit-making or illegal use of sources by third parties. However, we collect contributions towards the operational costs of the Club House from supportive visitors on Wasini Island. We issue receipts for all donations.