Sustainable Tourism on Wasini

Sustainable tourism is attempting to make as low an impact on the environment and local culture as possible, while helping to generate future employment for local people.

The aim of sustainable tourism is to ensure that development brings a positive experience for local people, tourism companies and the tourists themselves. Sustainable tourism is an adopted practice in successful eco-tourism.

This form of tourism is based on the premise that the people living next to a resource are the ones best suited to protecting it. This means that the tourism activities and businesses are developed and operated by local community members, and certainly with their consent and support.

Sustainable tourism typically involves the conservation of resources that are capitalized upon for tourism purposes. Locals run the businesses and are responsible for promoting the conservation messages to protect their environment (adapted text, with permission from Wikipedia, original source).

All boat tours and land excursions presented on this site are owned, managed and operated by members of the local community. By using this site, you as a tourist actively participate in and support sustainable tourism.

More details on Wasini conservation projects can be found under Community Conservation Projects.

Boat Tours, Dolphin Watching, Snokeling & Diving, Budget Accommodations, Beach Cottages, Bandas, Lodges, Hostels and Guesthouses